Joe Flacco’s Impact: Browns Quarterback Search After Watson’s Injury

Joe Flacco: A Potential Quarterback Addition for the Cleveland Browns


In the wake of Deshaun Watson’s unfortunate season-ending shoulder injury, the Cleveland Browns find themselves in need of a seasoned quarterback to strengthen their lineup. General Manager Andrew Berry’s commitment to enhancing the team’s depth has led to the consideration of veteran quarterback Joe Flacco. This article explores the implications of Flacco’s potential addition, shedding light on his recent activities and the Browns’ strategy to secure a suitable replacement.

Joe Flacco’s Arrival in Cleveland

The anticipation surrounding Joe Flacco’s potential inclusion in the Browns’ roster heightened when he was spotted on a flight to Cleveland on Thursday night. This development aligns with General Manager Berry’s earlier statement about the team’s intention to sign a third quarterback. The decision to bring in Flacco reflects the Browns’ commitment to exploring experienced options in the face of Watson’s absence.

Flacco’s Recent Performance

To assess Joe Flacco’s potential impact on the Browns, it’s crucial to review his recent performance with the New York Jets. Last season, Flacco started four games, showcasing his capabilities by completing 110-of-191 passes for 1,051 yards. His performance included five touchdowns and three interceptions, highlighting both his proficiency and areas for improvement. Such insights into Flacco’s recent track record provide a valuable perspective for the Browns’ coaching staff as they evaluate their quarterback options.

Confirmations from Reliable Sources

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional football, reliable sources play a pivotal role in confirming speculations. Ian Rapoport of NFL Media has reported that Joe Flacco is indeed set to work out for the Browns on Friday. This confirmation adds credibility to the ongoing discussions surrounding the potential addition of Flacco to the team.

Joe Flacco / iMAGE SOURCE-GOOGLE Image by- Sports Illustrated

Competition Among Quarterbacks

The quarterback position is one of strategic significance in football, and the Browns’ consideration of multiple candidates reflects their commitment to making an informed decision. Apart from Flacco, other quarterbacks are reportedly also in contention for the spot. This competitive evaluation process ensures that the Browns select a quarterback who not only fills the immediate gap but also aligns with the team’s long-term goals.

Potential Role on the Practice Squad

While the specifics of any potential deal remain undisclosed, it is speculated that any quarterback signed by the Browns will likely join the practice squad rather than the active roster. This strategic decision allows the team to continue refining their lineup without immediate roster adjustments. However, the urgency of the situation, considering the upcoming game against the Steelers, introduces an element of uncertainty regarding the timing of any formal agreements.


In conclusion, the Browns’ pursuit of Joe Flacco as a potential addition to their quarterback lineup underscores their commitment to strategic decision-making in the face of unexpected challenges. Flacco’s arrival in Cleveland and the subsequent workout for the team serve as key developments in the ongoing narrative of the Browns’ 2023 season. As the football community awaits further announcements, the team’s focus on experienced talent and thorough evaluations positions them for success in navigating unforeseen obstacles.

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