Mark Brnovich’s Career and Controversial 2020 Election Probe

Mark Brnovich: A Notable Addition to Boies Schiller Flexner

In recent news, former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has taken a significant step in his legal career by joining the prestigious U.S. law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner. This move comes after a period of controversy surrounding Brnovich’s investigation into the 2020 election ballots in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County. As we delve into this development, we’ll explore Mark Brnovich’s background, the circumstances that have drawn attention to his career, and the implications of his partnership with Boies Schiller Flexner.

The Background of Mark Brnovich

Mark Brnovich is a notable figure in Arizona politics. He is a member of the Republican Party and served as the Arizona Attorney General. His tenure in this role coincided with the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, during which Joe Biden was declared the winner over the incumbent, Donald Trump. It was during this time that Brnovich’s office conducted an investigation into the election, raising questions about its integrity.

The Controversial 2020 Election Probe

Brnovich’s investigation into the 2020 election in Arizona, especially in Maricopa County, stirred significant controversy. He claimed that his office had uncovered evidence that cast doubt on the election results. However, despite dedicating an extensive 10,000 hours to the probe, his investigators failed to verify any allegations of voter fraud. These findings were later revealed through internal reports by Brnovich’s Democratic successor.

A New Chapter: Joining Boies Schiller Flexner

In a surprising turn of events, Mark Brnovich has now joined Boies Schiller Flexner as a partner. Boies Schiller is a reputable U.S. law firm, known for its expertise in litigation. With approximately 175 lawyers, the firm has a history of handling high-profile cases, and it was co-founded by David Boies, who famously represented Vice President Al Gore in the U.S. Supreme Court battle over the 2000 presidential election recount.

Brnovich’s Expertise in Consumer Protection Litigation

One of the key highlights of Mark Brnovich’s career is his remarkable record in consumer protection litigation. The law firm, in a press release, emphasized his achievements in securing over $1.5 billion in judgments and settlements, particularly on issues related to data privacy, false advertising, and product liability. These accomplishments underscore his proficiency in legal matters that directly impact consumers.

A Presence in the U.S. Supreme Court

Mark Brnovich’s legal career has also seen him argue three cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a significant feat, as the Supreme Court deals with some of the most critical legal matters in the United States. It demonstrates Brnovich’s legal acumen and his ability to navigate complex and high-stakes cases.

Mark Brnovich
The logo of law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP is seen outside of their office in Washington, D.C., U.S., August 31, 2020. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

The Perfect Platform for Brnovich’s Career

Upon joining Boies Schiller Flexner, Mark Brnovich expressed his admiration for the firm’s reputation for toughness. He stated that it is “the perfect platform for this chapter of my career.” This move to the law firm signifies a new direction for Brnovich, where he can continue to pursue his passion for law and litigation.

Expanding the Team at Boies Schiller

In addition to Mark Brnovich, Boies Schiller Flexner has also welcomed other partners to its ranks. Notably, Joshua Stein, who previously worked in-house at Twitter, now joins the team. Stein’s experience with a prominent social media platform brings a unique perspective to the firm. Benjamin Waisbren, a bankruptcy litigator with a diverse career that includes film production and financing, is another valuable addition. His film credits include well-known titles such as “V for Vendetta” and “300.”

The Ongoing Discussion on the 2020 Election

The investigation into the 2020 election in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County, remains a topic of ongoing discussion. Mark Brnovich, in April 2022, sent an interim report to the Arizona Senate, in which he highlighted the “serious vulnerabilities” revealed by the election in the county. This report raised questions about the overall integrity of the 2020 election in Arizona.

However, it’s important to note that Brnovich’s investigators were unable to verify allegations of voter fraud, as indicated in a March 2022 report released later in the year. This report, overseen by Kris Mayes, who assumed the role of Arizona’s attorney general in January, emphasized that the 2020 election in Arizona was conducted fairly and accurately by elections officials.

The Political Landscape

Mark Brnovich’s involvement in the election probe and his subsequent career moves have also been influenced by the political landscape. At the time he released his interim report, he was a candidate in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat representing Arizona. Ultimately, he lost the nomination to Blake Masters. This political context adds an extra layer of complexity to Brnovich’s career trajectory.


In conclusion, Mark Brnovich’s journey from the controversy surrounding the 2020 election probe to his partnership with Boies Schiller Flexner is a compelling narrative. His background in consumer protection litigation, experience arguing cases in the U.S. Supreme Court, and the unique additions to the law firm’s team all contribute to the significance of this development.

This article has provided an in-depth exploration of Mark Brnovich’s career, the challenges and controversies he has faced, and the implications of his association with Boies Schiller Flexner. As this story continues to unfold, it remains a subject of interest and discussion in the legal and political spheres.

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