Marsquake Unveiled: NASA’s InSight Lander and the Enigma of Mars’ Largest Seismic Event

the Mysteries of Marsquakes: New Insights from NASA’s InSight Lander


In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA’s InSight lander detected the largest quake ever recorded on Mars on May 4, 2022. With a magnitude of 4.7, this seismic event, though modest by Earth standards, presented a significant puzzle for scientists. The absence of plate tectonics on Mars, the usual culprit for earthquakes on Earth, left researchers initially suspecting a meteorite impact. However, the quest for an impact crater proved futile, leading to a surprising revelation—this marsquake was the result of tectonic activity, unlocking a deeper understanding of Mars’ seismic dynamics.

Tectonic Surprises on the Red Planet

Contrary to Earth, where seismic activity is attributed to the movement of colossal plates, Mars boasts a single solid crust. Yet, this doesn’t imply tranquility in its seismic landscape. “There are still faults that are active on Mars,” explains Ben Fernando, a planetary scientist from the University of Oxford. The Red Planet, while slowly shrinking and cooling, experiences motion within its crust, triggering quakes even without active plate tectonics.

The Epicenter and Unraveling the Mystery

The research, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, reveals that the 4.7 magnitude marsquake originated in the Al-Qahira Vallis region in the Martian southern hemisphere. Positioned approximately 1,200 miles southeast of InSight’s location, the quake likely emerged a few dozen miles below the Martian surface. What baffled scientists was the absence of discernible surface features indicating ongoing tectonic processes, especially ones capable of generating such a powerful quake.

Energy Unleashed: A Martian Seismic Powerhouse

The energy released during this marsquake surpassed the cumulative energy from all other marsquakes detected by InSight. To decipher its origin, researchers initially drew parallels with seismic signatures from meteorite impacts. However, the quest for corroborating evidence led them to collaborate with various space agencies monitoring the Martian surface, including the European, U.S., Chinese, Indian, and United Arab Emirates agencies. Despite this extensive effort, no impact evidence emerged.

Captured on May 12, 2016, this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image showcases the planet Mars in all its celestial glory. / Image by- NASA

A Milestone in Seismic Interpretation

The absence of a crater, a distinctive feature in the aftermath of meteorite impacts, marks a significant milestone in interpreting seismic signals on Mars. Constantinos Charalambous, co-chair of InSight’s Geology Working Group, emphasizes the importance of this discovery. “Each seismic event detected by InSight is a valuable piece of the puzzle, but this particular event plays a crucial role in unveiling the Red Planet’s geological history.”

Implications for Future Mars Missions

As humanity contemplates future missions to Mars, understanding the planet’s seismic activity becomes paramount. Unlike Earth, where a quake of this magnitude might cause structural damage, on Mars, it would be more akin to a powerful tremor. However, these seismic events offer vital insights into Mars’ geological evolution. Charalambous underlines their significance, stating, “Furthermore, it provides essential insights into the distribution of seismic activity on Mars, a vital consideration for planning future human missions to the planet.”


In conclusion, the discovery of the largest marsquake on record opens new doors to understanding the Red Planet’s geological intricacies. The revelation that Mars, despite lacking active plate tectonics, experiences powerful quakes due to internal tectonic activity is a paradigm shift in planetary science. This seismic event not only adds a crucial piece to the Martian geological puzzle but also underscores the importance of such discoveries for future exploration and potential human missions to Mars.

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