Mohammed Deif: Architect of Hamas’ Al Aqsa Assault

Unveiling the Enigma: Mohammed Deif, Architect of Hamas’ Striking Operation

Decoding the Genesis: Mohammed Deif

In the wake of last week’s seismic attack by Hamas, Israel finds itself grappling with what it terms its 9/11 moment. At the heart of this assault is a shadowy figure, Mohammed Deif, the clandestine commander orchestrating the tumultuous event dubbed Al Aqsa Flood. This article endeavors to unravel the layers of Deif’s involvement and the catalysts behind the devastating assault.

The Genesis of Retribution

May 2021 marked the inception of Deif’s meticulous planning in response to the raid on Islam’s third holiest site, the Al Aqsa mosque. Enraged by scenes of Israeli forces storming the mosque during Ramadan, beating and attacking worshippers, Deif set in motion an operation that would claim 1,200 lives in Israel and wound over 2,700. The attack was not merely a spontaneous act but a visceral response to a history of provocations.

The Enigmatic Mastermind

Mohammed Deif, a survivor of seven Israeli assassination attempts, seldom emerges from the shadows. His rare public appearances are laden with significance. In a recent broadcast, Deif’s voice resonated with a clear message: “Today the rage of Al Aqsa, the rage of our people and nation is exploding. Our mujahedeen, today is your day to make this criminal understand that his time has ended.” Deif’s elusiveness adds to the mystique, with only three known images—an enigmatic figure in his 20s, a masked portrayal, and a shadowy silhouette accompanying his recent audio message.

Covert Operations and Deception

Operating within the intricate web of Gaza’s tunnels, Deif’s involvement in planning and executing the assault is profound. The decision-making, as revealed by a source close to Hamas, involved both Deif and Yehya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza. However, the architect of the operation, the mastermind, was unmistakably Deif. The covert nature of the plan extended to international players, with even Iran, a significant supporter of Hamas, being unaware of the operation’s details.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, disavowed Tehran’s involvement, emphasizing the tight circle within which Deif operated. This level of secrecy confounded not only Israel but also regional players, highlighting the depth of planning and deception orchestrated by Deif.

The Prolonged Game of Deception : Mohammed Deif

A pivotal element of Deif’s strategy was the prolonged effort at deception. Under the guise of Hamas focusing on economic development in Gaza, Israel was lulled into a false sense of security. While economic incentives were offered to Gazan workers, Deif’s fighters were covertly trained, often within plain sight of the Israeli military. The result—a meticulously planned and executed assault, catching Israel off guard.

Mohammed Deif
Debris from a rocket launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel is scattered on a road in Ashkelon, southern Israel, on October 10, 2023. / Image source-google Image by-Colorado Springs Gazette.

The Unyielding Resolve

In his recent address, Deif articulated the longstanding grievances of the Palestinian people. He emphasized the relentless storming of Palestinian territories, the abuse and torture of prisoners, and the ongoing expropriation of Palestinian land. These grievances, he asserted, fueled the decision to put an end to the escalating cycle of occupation and injustice.

Mohammed Deif: A Profile in Courage

Born as Mohammad Masri in 1965 in the Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, Mohammed Deif’s journey with Hamas began during the first Intifada in 1987. Arrested by Israel in 1989, he spent 16 months in detention. Deif’s academic pursuits saw him earn a degree in science from the Islamic University in Gaza, showcasing his versatility beyond the realm of conflict. Rising through the ranks, he became the architect of Hamas’s intricate network of tunnels and bomb-making expertise, earning him the top spot on Israel’s most-wanted list for decades.

The Cost of Resistance

For Deif, resistance came at a personal cost. Surviving seven assassination attempts, he lost an eye and sustained serious injuries in one leg. In a tragic turn of events, his wife and young children fell victim to an Israeli airstrike in 2014. Yet, Deif’s resilience and survival have transformed him into a Palestinian folk hero, a figure that embodies the struggle against occupation.

Conclusion: In the Shadows of Resistance

As Mohammed Deif continues to operate in the shadows, his legacy unfolds as a symbol of unyielding resistance. The recent assault, strategically planned and meticulously executed, underscores the depth of his commitment to the Palestinian cause. While his whereabouts remain unknown, the impact of his actions reverberates through the ongoing conflict.

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